As to the direct impact of the lining of the pilling box on the testing effect of fabric, analysis is done to cork material as to good friction performance and the lining production process. 针对滚箱式起球仪箱体内衬材料的特性会直接影响到织物的起球测试结果,分析了软木材料良好的摩擦特性及内衬材料的制作过程。
The samples'anti-fuzzing and pilling properties were tested in order to research the effect of different factors on anti-fuzzing and pilling properties of milk protein fiber knitted fabrics. 对试样的抗起毛起球性能进行测试,从而分析不同因素对牛奶蛋白纤维混纺针织物抗起毛起球性能的影响。
The tournament, pilling effect is good in theback of the Chinese team, Freeman also played very well. 本次比赛,中国队后排起球效果还是不错的,自由人的发挥也相当出色。